Happy Independence Day! We hope that everyone has a fun weekend of celebration! On the topic of independence… Armitage Interiors is an independently owned and operated company. Emeline and Cody quit their jobs and jumped out on their own to pursue their design build dreams and all of our carpenters are fiercely independent as well. As a company we want to foster the spirit of mutual respect and autonomy that is core to our uniquely American character. What we all have in common here is the desire to freely pursue our need to take on interesting and challenging projects. We are all driven to create. We all love to use and sharpen our skills. And, we are all highly motivated to be sincerely proud of our work.
We are finishing up the detail of the cedar porch posts right now. Moving up the column, the post’s trim tapers inward. Boxing out the posts in this way, and getting these tapers to join perfectly, requires cutting compound miters. A joint that angles in two directions at once. This is very challenging and requires absolute precision to accomplish. But! - We love, accept, and accomplish these types of challenges. They will look amazing when complete.
At Armitage, we don’t usually build roofs. But, when we do build roofs, we build really nice roofs. This is a standing-seam metal roof that covers a section of the porch and then meets the existing shingled, gable roof of the house. Standing-seam metal roofs are kind of like the ultimate roof. They last forever, they are super strong, and they don’t leak. Plus, they just look awesome. We love how this one came out. It adds so much character to this house.
To everyone out there: be Independent, be Free to follow your dreams, embrace challenges instead of backing away from them, and create things that you are truly proud of.