Limewashed Plaster Over Rustic Brick

Our clients on this project recently downsized to a smaller home. Moving from a historic farmhouse to a more contemporary colonial home they wanted to create a more traditional Bucks County feeling and the first thing that had to go was the poorly finished exposed brick fireplace.

the client is selecting a piece of soapstone to place on the hearth in front of the fire that will follow the contour of the brick

a before shot with the first coat of lime plaster being applied

here we are just starting to wrap around the corner with the first coat

next we apply a brown coat

the homeowner really loved the texture and feeling of the brown coat so instead of doing an ultra fine topcoat over this we opted for a whitewash in order to match the white figure in the soapstone

we removed the wainscotting leading back to the door and plastered over this section of wall to give the fireplace a more substantial feeling and make it seem more authentic.